Adent of the legendary Black Cat Crew skated to the bible-belt and befriended the SmallLanders several years ago. From his lair in da Goalforest he started hosting annual winter hacks, events that key CCC-members have graced with their presence. This year was no different!
Yup, this weekend FryGuy won the "EPA-competition" at Elmia. With a rebuilt Volvo 240 and nuclear powered bass speakers he got the title "Mr EPA of Sweden". Fryguy himself says he is very proud of the title but thinks Lisardsmans Opel is even cooler.
Yup, its true. The massive WareZ trejder Ulf is leaving us. He told me that all the swapping took to much time. He felt he didnt have enough time to take care of the farm.
Ulf, you will always be in our memories. We will remeber all warez you've given us.. :(
Yup, finnaly our megademo "Back to da boots" got some Oscars. This is something we been waiting for. Heres some of the Oscars we won:
- Best coding
- Best graphics
- Best female coder
- Best musician
- Best mpeg-II encoder
- Biggest demo
- Longest greetings text
- Most multimedia per inch
- Best use of bandwith
- Best theme
- And alot more
C^3 will rename the X-box to C^3-box and changes the design to a frog. Thats all for now. More to come. Regards lisardman
Steve Ballmer the Co of M$ will be sent to the CCC prison in Piteå becoz he is a big lamer. C^3 also bought AT/T now you can call us at 555-31337 or 555-C^3
CCC buys M$ from the biggest nerd in the world Bill Gates. CCC only had to give him 31337 C^3 dollars (About 5SEK) for the whole company. C^3 will now stop develop Windoze. The reason that C^3 bought M$ is that C^3 dislikes to compete.
Masters of midgets are now a subgroup to CCC.
The acquisition is still flesh wound fresh so more info at a later date
Today we compiled the final version of the demo, if you have any bugreports, dont send them to us....
It was thursday afternoon and a CCC-member was going home from school. He was going with a non CCC-bus (CCC bought da company yesterday). Everything was going just fine until it was time for da CCC-member, CYBER SNEIDER, to go off. Suddenly something happened. I fat lady was standing i front of CyberSneider and refused to move. She wasn't going to let da CCC-member off. CyberSneider is a really powerful man but the lady was to fat for him. NONE tried to help him. Time went and he had to do something quickly. He turned around, trying to squeeze himself to the emergency exit which was at the other side of the bus. But now more people had rised and blocket his way back. Now there was no return. He had to do something. The CCC-member managed at last to get rid of da fat lady, how he did it is still prescribed but it was just before it was to late. CCC has now put an investigation team on this accident. Da investigation team think it might be SÄPO or KGB who is responsible for da trap. But none of them are willing to confess. FryGuy had made an announcement that if they won't confess in two weeks CCC probably buys the Swedish state and da Soviet union so they can kill every subspected organisation.
Da fat lady on the picture is a hand drawn lady and not the one in da bus . She's just there so you can get a picture of what has happened.