released at Istället för GREP.
A tribute to Sverker who has left the famous PLUS tv show. Prepare to blast your mind away with this ultraleet c64 demo featuring 8 bit sample playback coded by raevskum! Released 100306 at K-bit
Demo made by MuMu21 in cooperation with lisardman at Grep White 09
A stunning masterpiece koded by lisardman, compiled by fryguy at Grep Green 09.
Released at Kåren 2001
True Multimedia is our first Amigademo, it took us 48 hours to complete this genious piece of art, and it was only i (FryGuy) and Birdy who coded and made gfx for this demo. The musik in the demo is the brilliant Metallicacover by DannyDJ
Mega demo (PC)
This is our first PC demo, it was made at the Fagelvikparty by I, Ciphersneider, Ridl, Spawn. It took us very long time to complete this demo, but then it's very good looking too.